Studies on psychedelic mushrooms
نوشته شده توسط : spudgene

Generally known as "magic mushrooms", Psilocybe mushrooms are natural creatures whose sale and use are prohibited in many countries. However, these mushrooms may have medical benefits just like cannabis. It seems that they can find a place for themselves in natural medical treatments for depression and mental illnesses or in therapies for improving cognitive abilities.


According to a new study conducted at the University of South Florida, it was observed that psilocybin, the active ingredient of psychedelic (mind-opening) mushrooms, can create new brain cells. It is thought that this feature can treat mental illnesses and cognitive impairments.


A study published in Experimental Brain Research determined that psilocybin can bind to special receptors that stimulate the growth of neurons in the brain and the healing of damaged neurons. In mice, it was observed that 'post-traumatic stress disorder' was eliminated, brain cells were repaired and even depression decreased thanks to the active molecule.


Dr. Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos, who conducted the research, trained mice to fear when they heard a sound stimulus given with an electric shock, even without the shock. Later, it was observed that mice given certain doses of psilocybin did not respond to the sound stimulus and stopped responding more quickly than mice not given psilocybin.


Psilocybin is known as a 'nootropic' agent or, more specifically, as a factor that has numerous functions in the brain and improves hippocampus health. The hippocampus is an active region in the brain that enables learning and records short-term memory by converting it into long-term memory. The new cells that will form in the hippocampus thanks to psilocybin mean a healthier brain, better memory and learning ability.


Studies on psychedelic mushrooms are much less frequent than those conducted with cannabis and are subject to a more difficult ethical committee approval process. However, compared to other hallucinogenic substances, the natural mushroom plant used in the study does not seem to deserve such a ban.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 4
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 29 مرداد 1403 | نظرات ()
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